Application 19/2069/FUL
Erection of Additional Unit
(+32,000 FR Layers)

Application P/2017/1264
Erection of Unit
(32,000 FR Layers)


River Mule: 305m
River Severn: 1.3km
Montgomery Canal SAC: 1.4km
Hollybush Pastures: 2.3km
Ancient Woodland: 222m
Nearest Watercourse
to River Mule: 152m

SAMs within 3km
MG054 Bryn Derwen Mound and Bailey Castle
MG112 Giants Bank Camp
MG114 Dolforwyn Castle
MG237 Mount Pleasant Enclosure

Public Footpath 73 within site boundary


Great Crested Newt: 250m

Full Ecology Report not available on Planning Portal



230m | 260m | 340m | 343m | 357m | 378m | 385m
Upper Bryn Farm
Listed Buildings within 1km
Cwm-mule Mill: 307m
Rock Cottage: 500m
Bridge at Cwm-mule: 594m
Bridge at Fronfraith Mill: 604m
Llwynmadog Farmhouse: 725m

1.3km | 3.1km | 4.2km

Caravan Park: 230m

“I note that the modelling within the (ammonia) Report has been based on an assumed deposition ratio i.e. assuming droppings occur in the following ratios 12% ranging area:88% housing. NRW have previously confirmed to Powys LPA that the ratio of 20% ranging area:80% housing is required to be used when considering the process contributions from proposed poultry developments.
The biodiversity data search identified the presence of 74 parcels of Ancient Woodland within 2km of the proposed development site, the closest of which is approximately 222m from the proposed development. With regards to Ancient woodland the preliminary and detailed modelling indicates that there would be an exceedance of the recognised threshold percentage of the Critical Level (100%) over approximately 0.1 ha of the closest parcel of Ancient Woodland.
The submitted plans do not include any mitigation or compensation measures to address the predicted exceedance of the critical level/critical load with regards to Ancient Woodland habitat or provide any evidence that the critical level for this area of ancient woodland habitat could be amended…As such I consider the application to be contrary to LDP Policy DM2, and the Environment (Wales) Act 2016″

Rachel Probert, PCC Planning & Highway Ecologist Response February 2021

“The Highway Authority objects to the above-named application for the following reasons;
The Highway Authority (HA) have reviewed the recent revised drawing and data and would like to makethe following comments.Drawing number GEJ/WL/008 fails to address the points raised in our previous response. The proposeddevelopment shall if consented, be serviced by vehicles which are 16.5m in length, whereas the proposed setback position of the gate is 12m from the adjoining highway. Therefore, the service vehicles shall overhang the County Highway by at least 4.5m, which will be detrimental to highway safety.

Page 29 of the Additional Planning Justification Statement, states “Below is a breakdown of existing movement and proposed movements along the County Network and over the level crossing in Abermule”. However, no evidence of Actual Traffic Count data has been submitted for consideration. No further explanation of the movements shown in the tables has been submitted. The existing movements from the farmstead are not considered to be relevant, as the proposed site is detached from the farmstead.”

Highways Response March 2020

“Roger Parry states in additional justification Page 4
Name of Receptor Distance Relation in metres to Applicant:
Bronau Wood Barn 190 Applicant
Castell Daniel lsaf 390 Unrelated
Rock Cottage 392 Unrelated
Swn yCoed 351 Unrelated
Fron Fraith Hall/Stables/Coach House 350 Unrelated
Captains Pitch Cottage 304 Unrelated
Roger Parry states in additional justification Page 16
There are some isolated residences and commercial properties in the area surrounding the site of the existing and proposed poultry houses, the closest residences are at: Bronau Wood, which is approximately 190m to the north; Fran Fraith Lodge which is approximately 260m to the south and there is a caravan park approximately 230 m to the south-west of the poultry houses.”

there seems to be some discrepancy here…

AGENT: Roger Parry & Partners

Roger Parry & Partners
Ammonia Report: AS Modelling & Data Ltd
Ecology: Jon Sloan Ecology and Churton Ecology (results summarised in DAS)

CASE OFFICER: Louise Evans