Current: 20/2115/REM
Section 73 application to  allow the building to be used for Poultry
(+6,000 FR Broilers)

History: 20/1115/FUL
Construction a general purpose agricultural building


Upper Nantserth Pasture: 1km
River Wye SSSI/SAC: 1.4km
New House Meadow: 2km
Marcheini Uplands: 2.4km
Gilfach Farm & Gamallt SSSI/SPA: 2.4km
Caeau Wern: 2.6km
Coed y Cefyn: 2.7km
Cwm Gwynllyn SSSI/SAC/SPA: 2.9km
Coed Wennallt: 2.9km
Cae Cwm-Bach: 2.9km
Elenydd SSSI/SPA/SAC: 2.9km
Cae Coed-Gleision: 3.2km
Carn Gafallt SSSI/SPA/SAC: 3.8km
Cerrig-Gwalch SSSI/SAC : 4.4km
Rhos Rhyd-y-Ceir: 4.5km
River Ithon: SSSI: 4.9km

Nearest Watercourse
Issue to River Wye: 100m


61 records within 500m including:

Stoat | Hare | Badger
Hedgehog | Red kite | Brambling
Dunnock | House sparrow
Green Woodpecker | Redstart


45m | 160m | 180m | 220m | 470m

Applicant’s Farm

Footpath 150
on site

825m | 840m | 1km | 1.5km | 1.7km
3.5km | 4.4km | 4.6km | 4.65km

Application 20/1115/FUL
“Condition 3:  The agricultural building hereby approved as shown on drawing no: (10882-1-02 – Site Plan – received on 09/10/2020. by Halls) shall be used for cattle accommodation and the storage of fodder, straw and machinery only.”

Original Grant of Planning for general purpose agricultural building

“Having reviewed the information provided by the applicant and reviewing OS map and aerial images of the area, it is considered that there is potential for the proposed development to impact the River Wye SAC. Pollution from construction and operation activities could result in a Significant Effect.
The applicant has confirmed that the proposed development will be used to house the existing cattle stock. However, no information has been provided regarding disposal of either foul waters or storage of manure/slurry from the proposed development.”

Ecology Response Sept 2020

“I have liaised with the applicant who confirms the building will be to house existing cattle numbers. There wouldn’t be an increase in livestock numbers.”

Email from Agent to Case Officer August 2020


Application 20/2115/REM to convert to Poultry Unit
“The Council objects to the application as the initial application was for the purpose of housing cattle. The proposed removal of condition to house up to 5000 birds will have detrimental impact on the local environment, and a further objection is made due to the close proximity to neighbouring residential properties and the possible environmental impact to these residents.”

Community Council Response January 2021

“The background ammonia concentration at Ffosmascal is already in excess of 1μg/m3, which is the level at which ecological damage to ammonia sensitive species is predicted to occur. It is noted that the background nitrogen deposition rate also currently exceeds the recommended Critical Load.
The applicant should be advised that in the light of NRW’s recent advice, the absence of sufficient information regarding the storage, management, spreading and/or disposal of organic materials and disposal of dirty/fouled waters means that an adverse impact on the integrity of the SAC cannot be ruled out and, therefore, the LPA would not be able to lawfully grant planning permission.”

Ecology Response April 2021

We continue to have concerns with the application as submitted because inadequate information has been provided in support of the proposal. To overcome these concerns, you should seek further information from the applicant regarding pollution prevention measures. If this information is not provided, we would object to this planning application.

NRW Response June 2021

NOTE: reports produced show applicant to be part of the larger Llwyngwilym Farm Poultry Business (110,000 birds?) some 825m distant NE of proposed site.


AGENT: Halls Holdings Ltd.

Ammonia & Odour Assessment: AS Modelling & Data Ltd.
Noise assessment: Ion Acoustics Ltd