Application 19/2023/FUL
Erection of Additional Unit
(+32,000 FR Layers) Re submission Dec 2019
Application FUL
Erection of Additional Unit
(+32,000 FR Layers) REFUSED December 2019
Cors Farchwel: 4.1km
Pen Dugwm Woods: 4.2km
Nearest Watercourse
River Abel: on site
Nant Alan: 940m
River Cain: 1.75km
The Brogan: 2.2km
no species survey on portal
within 500m
House Sparrow
Grayling: 1.75km
Salmon: 1.75km
Ancient Woodland
on site | 270m | 280m | 290m | 300m | 340m
230m | 370m | 500m
1.7km | 2.6km | 3.8km |4.2km
Bridleway 65: abuts site
“The results of the modelling, showing the impact of the proposed poultry rearing housing and ranging areas with mitigation included, in this case extensive tree planting between the proposed poultry and the nearby AWs, are provided in Table 6. “
Steve Smith, AS Modelling & Data Ltd. October 2020
NOTE: Results showing ‘acceptable’ emission levels are produced by a desk-based study that assumes extensive full grown trees already in place.
How long will it take to get to this scenario?
What are the negative ecological impacts in the mean time?
Does the fact the study is paid for by the applicant have any bearing on the results produced?
“With regards to tree planting I have been advised by NRW that this is not recognised as an acceptable form of ammonia reduction due to the time it would take for the trees to reach a sufficient size to prevent the spread of ammonia and the likelihood for damage to be incurred to the sensitive habitats until the trees are fully grown, and I do not consider that the proposed tree planting should automatically been seen as compensation for deterioration of ancient woodland.”
“My objection regarding the potential impacts of the proposed development to ancient woodland due to the predicted process contributions significantly exceeding the recognised thresholds of significance for this type of site therefore remains. From an ecological/biodiversity perspective (material considerations in the planning process) I recommend that the application should be refused as it would be contrary to both Local and National Planning Policies in relation to negative impacts biodiversity and to Ancient Woodland Habitat. Therefore in line with Local and National Planning Policy the application should only be approved if it is considered by the LPA that the proposed development has ‘clearly defined public benefits’ or that the ‘benefits of or need for the development outweigh the impacts’…”
Planning & Highway Ecologist
“Council have grave concerns with the proposed access road used for this application as they are not suitable for the large vehicles that will be using it regularly. It must be noted that the New Road near Bronygaer has no footpath and is very narrow. “
Community Council February 2020
Roger Parry & Partners
Ammonia Report: AS Modelling & Data Ltd
CASE OFFICER: Gemma Bufton