Pre-Submission 23rd July 2021
Erection of 2 Units
(+12,000 FR Layers)
Montgomery Canal: 90m
Granllyn: 2.8km
Gwern-y-brain Dingle: 2.5km
Ty-Brith Meadows: 3.3km
Breidden Hill: 4km
Lower Garth Meadows: 4.4km
Buttington Brick Works: 4.8km
Nearest Watercourse
Montgomery Canal SAC:90m
Within 2 km
Ancient Woodlands : 3 x Ammonia Sensitive
No ecology survey as yet
90m | 260m | 314m | 350m
2.1km | 2.7km | 2.8km |3.5 km | 4.4km
“There are nine areas designated as Ancient Woodlands (AWs) within 2 km of the site, three of which are defined by Natural Resources Wales as ammonia sensitive AWs. There are also seven areas designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), two of which, Montgomery Canal SSSI and Granllyn SSSI, are also designated as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs).
The modelling predicts that: For all three scenarios, there is an exceedance of the Natural Resources Wales lower threshold percentage of the Critical Level of 3.0 μg/m³ at nearby stretches of Montgomey Canal SSSI/SAC. This exceedance is predicted to impact a stretch of the SSSI/SAC that measures approximately 1 km in length.”
Ammonia Report AS Modelling & Data
Roger Parry & Partners
Ammonia Report: AS Modelling & Data Ltd